Cognitive Pilot
Cognitive Pilot LLC是一家专门从事交通、农业、计算机视觉和人工智能等数字经济项目软件的开发与使用的俄罗斯公司。我们还为自动汽车设计硬件与人工智能系统。

Cognitive Pilot的总部位于莫斯科。
Our view

Save life and time
1,250,000 road deaths each year. Should there be a feeling of war at the wheel of a car?
C-Pilot is here to make your trip safe. People spend in the car up to 9% of their lives. C-Pilot can again make this time personal: read a book, watch a movie, work and let the C-Pilot drive.
Our Awards
We receive recognition from specialists and experts at industry exhibitions

2019Automotive Tech.AD Berlin
European event No. 1 on technical issues for vehicle automation, level 4.
Award Winner in the ‘The Most Innovative ADAS Technology’ category.

2019AVT ACES Award
Award from Autonomous Automotive Technology (AVT), the world’s only and most respected business magazine dedicated to the autonomous automotive industry.
Winner of the "Autonomy | Controller Category (C-Pilot Agrodroid Project).

2018Bahrain Tech Awards
The annual award of GITEX Technology Week, the largest technology exhibition in MENA and South Asia.
Winner of the award in the category of "International Recognition".

2018Runet Award
National Award for contribution to the development of the Russian segment of the Internet.
The best technology and innovation trendsetter for 2018.



Our offices

Head office
The head office is located in Moscow. It focuses the main developers and sales team.

An additional office in which cognitive neural networks are developed for general strategic purposes.

Branch office in Tomsk
An additional office in which we develop and test autonomous vehicles driving systems.
Cognitive Pilot has been awarded "The Best Global Agricultural AI Solution 2021" at The European Enterprise Awards, conducted by AI Global Media Ltd /UK/.
Cognitive Pilot, an autonomous driving technology joint venture of Sberbank and Cognitive Technologies group, has joined NVIDIA Inception, with the support of which it will promote and expand its AI-based solutions on international markets. NVIDIA Inception is a program designed to nurture companies revolutionizing industries with advancements in AI and data sciences.
Cognitive Pilot will launch mass production of its Cognitive Rail Pilot artificial intelligence (AI)-based driver assistance system for locomotives in 2021, with plans to manufacture more than 2000 units.
Cognitive Agro Pilot is using computer vision and machine learning for precision guidance. The system detects obstacles, including people, animals, metallic objects and stones along its way, without GPS navigation and RTK positioning. Cognitive Agro Pilot can operate in territories with a weak satellite signal.